
Certification of products and services

UKRCEPROSERVICE LLC provides services of certification of products and services to customers in the «UkrSEPRO», on the basis of correlation between money and sphere of certificate's action. Concerning quantity of products (services) and validity of certificate.

The cost of the certification UkrSEPRO are calculated in accordance with the rules for determining the value of the certification of products and services, approved by Order of Gosstandart of Ukraine 10 Mar, 1999 number 100 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 31 March, 1999 ¹ 194/3487).

A summary of the certification in Ukraine

In Ukraine operates, created by Gosstandart of Ukraine, the state system of certification UkrSEPRO, the tasks in which are carry out 118 bodies responsible for certification of production (works, services).

legal regulatory base of the state system of certification UkrSEPRO form:

  • Cabinet Decree "On Standardization and Certification of 10.05.93 ¹ 46-93;
  • The Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights of 12.12.93 ¹ 3682-XII;
  • The Law of Ukraine "On the quality and safety of food products and food raw materials" from 23.12.97 ¹ 771/97-BP

Regulatory system of certification UkrSEPRO constitute state standards in Ukraine.

The list of products subjected to compulsory certification in Ukraine, includes 39 of homogeneous products and services.

Certification of products in UkrSEPRO is carried out in accordance with established rules of certification of homogeneous products (services) and certification schemes (models)

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